Monday, July 23, 2012

Who am I

Dear friends,

I often come across the same question, "Who am I".  This is an interesting question because it can have many answers simple and complex.  I often find myself having a different meaning of self each time I ask myself this question.

Could it be that I am constantly changing, or could it be that I am many things at the same time.  To keep it simple I would call myself unique, but usually I feel like another wayward soul in carnation, as all others searching for a meaning of life.  My present being is made of my past experiences relative to my current situation, therefore I must be evolving as my situation changes.  My present condition is based on my interpretation of past experiences, and how well I learned from them affecting my current situation.

According to my belief in Synchronocity I am apart of everything else and affected by everything else, therefore "I, the universe, am", and "you, the universe, are".  If this is true then we are the same in many ways, but it is our own free will that sets us apart and makes us unique.

I know this is a question that is most difficult to answer, and that is probably my reason for talking about it right now.  I would like to know what you think about this subject.



  1. hi there, Sarah. Do you practice any form of yoga? I used to practice hatha yoga myself.

    1. I kind of do my own form of yoga while standing, it is more fluid like tai chi but more rythmic
